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Psoriasis Treatment In Mumbai

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a genetically predisposed inflammatory disease that mostly affects the skin Psoriasis is distinguished by skin cells that proliferate up to ten times quicker than normal. When these cells reach the surface and are elevated, red plaques coated in white scales emerge. Psoriasis manifests itself as a tiny scaling papule. Scaling plaques arise when several papules join together. These plaques are most commonly found on the scalp, elbows, and knees.

Psoriasis Symptoms

  • Red patches of skin covered with silvery scales
  • Small scaling spots
  • Dry, cracked skin Itching, burning, or soreness Itchy plaques
  • Small bleeding points when the scale is peeled away

Types of Psoriasis and Treatment

Plaque Psoriasis: The most prevalent variety of psoriasis is plaque psoriasis, which gets its name from the plaques that form on the skin. There are well-defined patches of red raised skin that can occur anywhere on the skin, but the most common areas are the knees, elbows, scalp, trunk, and nails. The plaques are also covered in a flaky, white coating known as scales. Skin discomfort, itching, and cracking are all possible plaque psoriasis symptoms.
There are numerous medications that can be used to treat plaque psoriasis. A topical steroid can control mild illness, topical calcipotriol and tar formulations are beneficial in treating plaque psoriasis.

Scalp Psoriasis: Psoriasis of the Scalp is a common skin ailment that causes elevated, reddish, and often scaly patches. Scalp psoriasis can affect your entire scalp or appear as a single area. This type of psoriasis can progress to the brow, back of the neck, or behind the ears. Scalp psoriasis symptoms may just involve minor, fine scaling. Symptoms of moderate to severe scalp psoriasis include dandruff-like flaking, dry scalp, and hair loss. Although scalp psoriasis can not directly cause hair loss, stress and excessive scratching or picking of the scalp can lead to hair loss.

Medicated shampoos, lotions, gels, and soaps can be used to treat scalp psoriasis. Salicylic acid and coal tar are two drugs found in over-the-counter treatments for scalp psoriasis. Phototherapy and steroid injections may help cure mild scalp psoriasis. Biologics are a new type of drug that can help cure severe scalp psoriasis.

Guttate Psoriasis: Guttate Psoriasis is characterised by tiny, pink spots or drops on the skin. Guttate is derived from the Latin word “gutta,” which means “drop.” Fine scales are more common in guttate psoriasis than in plaque psoriasis. The most common cause of guttate psoriasis is streptococcal infection (strep throat), and the outbreak usually occurs two to three weeks following strep throat.

Without therapy, guttate psoriasis usually clears up after a few weeks. To soften the skin, moisturisers can be utilised. If a patient has a history of psoriasis, a doctor may perform a throat culture to see if strep throat is present. If Streptococcus is found in the throat culture, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

Nail Psoriasis: Psoriasis of the Nails Many psoriasis patients have abnormal nails. Because the nail is pushed away from the skin, psoriatic nails frequently feature a horizontal white or yellow edge at the tip of the nail termed distal onycholysis. Small pits in the nail plate are common, and the nail is frequently yellow and brittle.

The same treatment that works for skin psoriasis also works for nail psoriasis. Phototherapy, systemic therapy (medications that travel throughout the body), and steroids can all be used to treat nail psoriasis (cream or injection). If treatments do not improve the condition of nail psoriasis, a doctor may remove the nail surgically.


Topical Treatments: Topicals, which come in the form of gels, ointments, or creams, are usually the first-line treatment for psoriasis. Topicals, which are applied directly to the skin, can effectively cure psoriasis by slowing the proliferation of skin cells, and some may reduce inflammation and plaque buildup.

Light Therapy for Psoriasis: UVA/UVB phototherapy, or light treatment, is another treatment that acts on the skin’s surface. UV rays emitted directly onto plaques and scales by special lamps can help limit the growth of excess skin cells.

Oral systemics Treatment for Psoriasis: Oral systemics are another therapy option for moderate to severe psoriasis. Oral systemics, which can be taken in pill or liquid form, reduce inflammation by acting on a portion or all of the immune system.

Methotrexate: A cancer drug used in the treatment of psoriasis may be required in severe disease . It is hepatotoxic and thus must be used with caution. Causes dramatic improvements in symptoms.

Retinoids: May be used in combination with ultraviolet light for severe cases of psoriasis.
PUVA – “psoralen + UVA,” which are the two components of this treatment. Used to treat generalised psoriasis and psoriasis that has poorly responded to other therapies

Biologics Treatment for Psoriasis: Biologics are systemic treatments that are normally reserved for people with moderate to severe psoriasis. They are frequently administered via injection or infusion. Biologics target specific proteins that are overproduced in the immune system, thereby reducing inflammation.

For more information & consultation on Psoriasis treatment in Mumbai visit VIVA Aesthetic Clinic at Opera House or contact us on 022 3573 1556 | 93245 89084 or simply fill in your name and number & one of our team member will get in touch with you soon. Our team of experts along with Dr. Deepam Shah, MD. DNB. FAM – Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon, will help you out in understanding your problem and guide you through every stage of your treatment.


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