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Beard Shaping

Model your beard on your favorite film star. It possible At VIVA Aesthetic Clinic

What is Beard Shaping?

Laser Beard Shaping is a method which hinders hair to grow in the area treated i.e. it makes the hair grow only in the desired beard zone. If you are looking for beard shaping  | Beard Transplantation, Visit at Viva Aesthetic Clinic.

Beard Transplant in Mumbai

Where should the procedure be done?

The procedure involves medical laser and thus should be done only in a specialised skin clinic under the supervision of a board certified dermatologist

What is the Pretreatment Care before beard shaping procedure?

Try to avoid sun exposure prior to the treatment.

Also, do not indulge into any kind of hair removal treatments at least two to three weeks before the treatment date.

Along with this, discuss the medications and any skin issues you are on or dealing with the doctor.

Finalize the style, shape and the line of your beard before undergoing the treatment.

What is the procedure for beard shaping?

The laser beard shaping sitting is usually required once in a month and the gap between sittings gradually increases.

A few sessions for laser hair removal for 2-3 months is very effective to get a good result.

The doctor designs and shapes the beard according to the taste and linkings of the patient.

In the session for laser beard shaping, the doctor targets the melanin present in the target area. The laser session targets the melanin present in the hair and hence it becomes thinner with each session.

What precautions should you take after beard shaping?

Face skin is a delicate part of the body and requires vital attention every single day.

Use moisturizer after treatment as there may be any redness in the treatment area. Having shower with hot water should also be avoided. Along with this, in order to be safe from potential irritations, try not to get into a rigorous exercise regime or swimming for a certain amount of time.

Does laser hair removal cause any side effects?

No, Laser Hair Reduction does not hurt at all. The pain and discomfort that one experiences during laser hair reduction is very minimal .

Is laser beard shaping safe?

For most people, laser hair removal is safe. The procedure is also not associated with any long-term side effects.

What is the cost of laser beard shaping?

In general, the charges for one session ranges between Two thousand to three thousand rupees where a complete course takes a total of six to seven sittings for achieving complete results.

What are the benefits of laser beard sculpting?

No more daily shaving: Laser beard sculpting takes away the daily task of having to shave unwanted hair in order to maintain your beard appearance.

No more shaving mistakes: Edging up your beard takes practice, and nothing is worse when you accidentally shave into your beard. Laser hair removal can help reduce the risk of these accidents.

No more razor burn: Treating your hair with laser hair removal can reduce the need to shave, which effectively reduces razor burn.

Thin out a bushy beard: Laser hair removal doesn’t have to completely remove your beard hair. If you have extremely thick and coarse beard hair, laser treatments can help reduce the thickness and coarseness.

For more information & consultation on Beard Shaping, visit Viva Aesthetic Clinic at Opera House or contact us on 022 3573 1556 | 93245 89084 or simply fill in your name and number & one of our team member will get in touch with you soon. Our team of experts along with Dr. Deepam Shah, MD. DNB. FAM – Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon, will help you out in understanding your problem and guide you through every stage of your treatment.

    At Viva Aesthetic Clinic, we offer Hair transplant, Aesthetic treatments and skin care with the help of latest technology, world class procedures and a dedicated team led by Dr.Deepam Shah . We are your one-stop clinic in India for comprehensive Hair Restoration, cosmetic laser treatment and skincare solutions.