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Lip Fillers

What are Lip Fillers?

Also called as lip pout or lip enhancement, it is a non surgical procedure that will give you fuller plumper lips by adding volume to the lips. The most common method to do so is by injecting a dermal filler. Dr. Deepam Shah is the best dermatologist for Lip fillers treatment in Mumbai. Consult Today!

What is the type of filler used in lips?

  • Hyaluronic acid – Most commonly used as it is a natural substance found in the body. ( Preferred at Viva Aesthetic clinic)
  • Collagen – Not used lately because of the risk of allergic reaction
  • Fat – Unpredictable results

Why choose fillers?

  • Lip fillers are for everyone who wish to enhance their lips and attain more defined, fuller and sensual lips.
  • Fuller and symmetrical lips are a mark of beauty and youth.
  • The treatment is non-invasive with virtually no recovery time; one can resume normal activities immediately after the treatment.
  • Non-permanent and will naturally dissipate.
  • It is a semi-permanent treatment.

What is the procedure for the lip augmentation?

  • Before injecting, anesthesia can be given to ease discomfort or if the filler has lignocaine in it then it can be carried out without any numbing agent.
  • Areas are marked where procedure has to be carried out.
  • Filler is injected using a very fine needle- Lip Cannula Injection which is prefilled with the filler material.
    • This is most commonly performed with the 27- or 30-gauge thin needle.
Lips Filler
  • Following the injection, ice may be given to control swelling.
  • The product is slightly massaged and the patient is counseled about the swelling of the lips which would increase in the next 24 hours.
  • Avoid any massage or firm pressure on the lips.

After 2 days when the swelling reduces the lips will look natural and fuller and softer.

How can lip augmentation (lip fillers) help you?

  • Achieving a more sensuous look
  • Providing more balance to facial features
  • Restoring lost volume and shape
  • Increasing self-confidence in their appearance
  • Hydration of the lips particularly in smokers

How long do these fillers last?

It depends entirely on the material used for injecting .

But ideally it needs to be repeated every 12 months.

Newer fillers last longer so they can last upto 18 months. However in smokers the filler can last for only 9 months.

What are the side effects of lip fillers treatment?

Side effects of hyaluronic acid fillers are temporary and should only last a few days. They may include:

  • Bleeding from the injection sites
  • Swelling and bruising
  • Redness and tenderness at the site of the injection
  • Bumps or lumps which can be easily dissolved


  • Avoid wearing make-up for 12 hours post lip filler treatment
  • Avoid extreme temperatures and sweating until the redness, swelling and soreness subsides
  • Sun exposure must be avoided for at least 24 hours
  • Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours post treatment
  • Avoid alcohol for at least 24 hours post treatment
  • Lip injection treatments may be repeated every 12 months

For more information & consultation on Lip Fillers, visit Viva Aesthetic Clinic at Opera House or contact us on 022 3573 1556 | 93245 89084 or simply fill in your name and number & one of our team member will get in touch with you soon. Our team of experts along with Dr. Deepam Shah, MD. DNB. FAM – Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon, will help you out in understanding your problem and guide you through every stage of your treatment.

    At Viva Aesthetic Clinic, we offer Hair transplant, Aesthetic treatments and skin care with the help of latest technology, world class procedures and a dedicated team led by Dr.Deepam Shah . We are your one-stop clinic in India for comprehensive Hair Restoration, cosmetic laser treatment and skincare solutions.