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Dermaplaning is a painless, effective, and safe procedure. It is a skin procedure in which a specialized instrument is used to exfoliate the surface of your skin while also eliminating small fine hairs.Certified and trained dermatologist expert will gently scrape over the surface of your skin with a sterile scalpel to remove hair, dirt, dead skin, and impurities from the outermost layers of your skin. This will accelerate the growth of new skin cells. The procedure aims to provide smooth, young, and luminous face skin.

How does dermaplaning work?

  • The fundamental principle of dermaplaning is similar to shaving, except instead of a razor, it employs a scalpel-type blade to remove skin cells, hair, and other debris from the skin’s surface.
  • The continual exposure of the top layer of skin to UV radiation, environmental pollutants, and irritants causes it to seem dull. Dermaplaning removes the top layer of skin to expose fresh skin cells, making a person’s complexion smoother and more radiant.
  • The majority of reports on the efficacy of dermaplaning  and treatment outcomes may differ from person to person.


  • Dermaplaning is a skin resurfacing process that may be performed by a  dermatologist.
  • The expert should use a gentle cleanser containing alpha or beta hydroxy acids prior to the procedure to help remove dead skin cells.
  • It is performed with a special instrument called a Dermatome. During this treatment, the patient may be given pain sensitivity to lessen any discomfort he or she may experience. The doctor uses the Dermatome to smooth away the skin’s superficial layer.
  • This treatment is very adaptable and may be done on specific regions of the face or on the complete face. Depending on the patient’s requirements, the process might take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to perform.
  • During the process, the expert will hold a sterile 10-gauge scalpel at a 45-degree angle to the skin. They’ll pull the skin tight and use the blade to make small movements against the surface of the skin’s hair. Dermaplaning may be done as often as every two weeks depending on skin condition and patient’s requirement.

How to get ready for dermaplaning and what is the time duration for this procedure?

The treatment takes around 30 minutes.It’s better if you don’t exfoliate your skin three days prior to the procedure.You should also avoid tanning and direct sunlight exposure.

Advantages of Dermaplaning

  • Exfoliation and hair removal may brighten and smooth your skin.
  • The therapy may help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles as well as hyperpigmentation, or uneven skin tone.
  •  It is also used in the treatment of severe acne scars.
  • Its effectiveness is highly dependent on your skin type, tone, and medical history.

Is there any risk associated with dermaplaning?

Dermaplaning is safe and does not cause any major side effects. Following the procedure sometimes Soreness and redness may be present and usually it fades away.

For more information & consultation on Dermaplaning, visit VIVA Aesthetic Clinic at Opera House or contact us on 022 3573 1556 | 93245 89084 or simply fill in your name and number & one of our team member will get in touch with you soon. Our team of experts along with Dr. Deepam Shah, MD. DNB. FAM – Dermatologist, Cosmetologist & Hair Transplant Surgeon, will help you out in understanding your problem and guide you through every stage of your treatment.

    At Viva Aesthetic Clinic, we offer Hair transplant, Aesthetic treatments and skin care with the help of latest technology, world class procedures and a dedicated team led by Dr.Deepam Shah . We are your one-stop clinic in India for comprehensive Hair Restoration, cosmetic laser treatment and skincare solutions.